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resilio sync 유저로 실행

2019.01.28 20:56

WHRIA 조회 수:1908

Setting up Resilio Sync on Ubuntu or Debian

Resilio is a peer-to-peer file sync service that's great for syncing personal files across multiple machines. Here's a guide on how I set it up for myself.

Install Resilio

Add key

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

Add repository

echo "deb resilio-sync non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/resilio-sync.list

Update and install

sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install resilio-sync

Run as user

By default, Resilio runs as rslsync user. This can cause annoying permisison errors some times. To resolve this, I recommend running Resilio using your normal login user. Here's how I do it:

Disable the old Resilio Service

sudo systemctl stop resilio-sync
sudo systemctl disable resilio-sync

Edit the service

Edit /usr/lib/systemd/user/resilio-sync.service:



Setup new service for user

systemctl --user enable resilio-sync
systemctl --user start resilio-sync

Note that the --user tags are important. You'll need it to start/stop the service moving forward.

Allow network access to the Web UI

If you want to access the Web UI from a different machine, edit ~/.config/resilio-sync/config.json and make sure this is present:

"webui" :
    "listen" : ""


Visit the WebUI at http://localhost:8888 to set up your sync directories.

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